A wooden bench, sequestered beneath a leafless oak tree, provides respite to hikers and travelers during a short but steep ascent to a shaded hilltop ramada at Montezuma pass in Arizona's Coronado National Memorial, just a stone's throw away from the international border between the U.S. and Mexico.
Magnificent sweeping desert vistas that extend into Mexico beneath a cloudless blue sky are proffered to the weary traveler as they wait to catch their breath in the rarefied air before continuing up the side of the hill to even more spectacular views that await those with the stamina to complete the short but taxing walk.
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Canvas & Prints: Pixels Images
Licensing Info: Pixels Licensing
Lens: 18-200 mm f/3.5-5.6
Focal Length: 22mm
Aperture: f22
Shutter Speed: 1/60s
ISO: 200
Date: 2011-03-26
Time: 10:44:28