A close-up portrait of a White-nosed Coati (Nasua narica), a member of the racoon (procyonidae) family, making itself comfortable in a tree in preparation to take a nap.
Where To Buy
Canvas & Prints: Pixels Images
Licensing Info: Pixels Licensing
Merchandise: Zazzle
Lens: 80-400 mm f/4.5-5.6
Focal Length: 400mm
Aperture: f5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/1000s
ISO: 400
Date: 2005-02-13
Time: 11:15:03
animals, antoon, arizona, asdm, barks, blacks, branches, browns, captives, claws, closeups, coatimundis, coatis, cute, deserts, faces, fauna, furry, limbs, mammals, masks, naps, nasua narica, nature, noses, omnivores, pizote, portraits, sonora, tails, tejón, trees, trunks, white-nosed, whites, wildlife, zoos