A composite image of a beautiful Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) in profile, showing one large yellow eye, razor-sharp beak, and prominent ear-tufts, posing before a large full moon with a gradient of pink and blue twilight colors denoting the Belt Of Venus.
Where To Buy
Canvas & Prints: Pixels Images
Licensing Info: Pixels Licensing
Merchandise: Zazzle
Lens: 80-400 mm f/4.5-5.6
Focal Length: 340mm
Aperture: f8
Shutter Speed: 1/500s
ISO: 800
Date: 2013-05-30
Time: 17:32:29
animals, archimedes, arizona, avian, beaks, belt of venus, bills, birds, blacks, blues, browns, bubo virginianus, captives, catalina, catalina state park, closeups, composites, ears, eyes, fauna, feathers, great horned, heads, images, moon, nature, oracles, owls, pinks, portraits, raptors, whites, wildlife